  • 电影
  • 喜剧片
演员: 克里斯托弗·李 彼得·库欣 文森特·普莱斯
简介: A quick glimpse at the cast for this film would make any horror fan giddy with glee. The actual movie doesn't live up to those high expectations, but it's far from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a crazy $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could write a great novel in only 24 hours. To do so, the publisher gives him the keys to an old abandoned house where he won't be disturbed. Not true. Once he gets there he is interrupted by a multitude of guests including a family which consists of John Carradine, Sheila Keith, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. They are gathered there in a twisted family reunion to release their brother from the room he's been imprisoned in for forty years. Even Christopher Lee drops by as Corrigan, the man who has just purchased the house. Soon, they realize that the caged brother is loose and out for revenge.  What a great plotline and what a dream cast! This movie should have been a hell of a lot better. It's hard to pinpoint the exact problems with the film, but I would venture to say that the lack of lighting was a major fault. Sure the house has no electricity but I think they took the title of the movie a little too literally. Scenes after scenes are barely visible and the actors' faces are undecipherable. Only the moments in the main dinning hall are well lit. Also, the great actors are given very little to do. Cushing gets a few chuckles as the scared brother but Price, Lee and especially Carradine are somewhat wasted here. Well, at least Price gets the best line of the film `Please don't interrupt me while I am soliloquizing.' And on the plus side, the story has enough twists and turns throughout to keep one`s interest and the ending, while a bit of a cop-out, manages to surprise.
  • 热度:93
电影 喜剧片
  • 电影
  • 喜剧片
演员: 尤娜·默克尔 爱德华·艾沃瑞特·霍顿 珍妮特·麦克唐纳 莫里斯·舍瓦利耶
简介: 劉別謙初嚐美高梅大製作的派頭,一切筆法更神采飛揚。開敞的場景、空前的排場讓人物裏裏外外恣意張開:寡婦的心更顯孤獨,男女的愛更加沒處安放。坐擁小國大部分財富的寡婦忽然要搬到巴黎重新尋找生活色彩,國王唯恐國祚不保來一招美男計,派出風流種子色誘寡婦。本來一個用情一個求性,幾番邂逅與折騰,改寫了男男女女的基本需要。歌與舞沒有賣弄甜膩,反而放在愛情的沉重中換來了歌頌。歌與影無間交流,劉別謙輕歌劇巔峰之作,亦成了荷里活極有代表性的一章。司花利亞與珍娜.麥當奴最後一次合作,後者散發從未有過的成熟韻味。堪稱最性感的音樂劇。  Rated the sexiest musical in the thirties, The Merry Widow could well be the sexiest musical ever. Jeannette MacDonald, sensual and majestic as a Persian cat, is the wealthiest widow in the kingdom of Marschovia. On a visit to Paris, she attracts a flurry of gold-diggers. To prevent her fortune from passing to foreign hands, the king sends a romantic envoy to court her. He chooses Captain Donilo, whose cavalier attitude to women is not limited to his rapport with Maxim's girls, girls, girls. Osé but not blasé, this elegant adaptation of Franz Lehar's operetta out-classed von Stroheim's silent in opulence, culminating in the grandest of grand balls.  Source 28th HKIFF
  • 热度:20
电影 喜剧片
  • 电影
  • 喜剧片
演员: 克劳迪娅·卡汀娜 罗伯托·贝尼尼 赫伯特·罗姆
简介: 故事梗概:  亚斯密公主被歹徒劫持,并被勒索一亿美元。特派警官德瑞弗斯受命负责此案的侦破工作。然而一个办事鲁莽、整日慌里慌张的二级警察杰克却被卷入到这起绑架案中。  杰克无意间发现了亚斯密公主,并被她的美貌深深吸引,但杰克并不知道她就是被劫持的公主。绑匪头目准备利用杰克到医院探望亚斯密的机会制造一起车祸,将杰克这颗绊脚石踢开。但傻头傻脑的杰克却吉人天相,躲过了车祸。  尽管德瑞弗斯并不看好杰克能够处理这起案件,但杰克的一些行为却让德瑞弗斯感觉非常熟悉。他找到了杰克的母亲,经证实杰克竟然是闻名全国的超级侦探、自己多年好友的私生子。这一消息很快不径而走,媒体大肆宣传,使杰克成为了破获绑架案的不二人选。此刻德瑞弗斯恰好因意外腿部骨折,只得住院修养,解救亚斯密公主的重任落在了杰克一个人的肩上。  杰克的父亲曾经结识各行各业的朋友,他们对案件的侦破起到了至关重要的作用。在这些人的帮助下,杰克成功追踪绑匪来到阿拉伯地区一座武装城堡,为了救出心上人,杰克和绑匪们开始了激烈的枪战。此刻总统下令要求派出特种兵支援,务必保证名侦探后代的生命安全。  在特种部队的支援下,杰克成功攻入城堡,并救出了亚斯密公主。杰克因为自己的出色表现获得了国家勋章,当然他和亚斯密公主的爱情之路才刚刚开始……  精彩视点:  本片由意大利影坛著名喜剧演员罗伯特·贝尼尼担任主演,这位曾经在《勇士斗恺撒》、《匹诺曹》等影片中都有上佳表现的喜剧明星在本片中再一次向观众展现了他的喜剧天赋。此外片中和罗伯特搭档演出的布莱克·爱德华兹集本片编、导、演于一身,作为好莱坞老牌明星和资深导演,布莱克曾拍摄过多部观众耳熟能详的影片:《蒂凡尼的早餐》、《义薄云天》、《粉红豹》系列电影等,这其中以脍炙人口的喜剧片居多。天才喜剧演员和资深喜剧导演的完美组合,自然会令本片笑声不断、看点多多。
  • 热度:6
电影 喜剧片