  • 电影
  • 喜剧片
简介: An outstanding comedy whose poetic style hearkens back to the films of Wes Anderson. It tells of a youngster focused on winning the nationwide drumming championship in spite of certain obstacles – such as not having any drums! A film that is every bit as hardcore as Jimmy Page’s guitar, and every bit as endearing as Robert Plant’s waistcoats.  There are a lot of films that stick to the hackneyed theme of the outsider bent on fulfilling his dream in spite of all the odds – thanks to which he not only achieves his coveted success but, moreover, instils hope in the hearts of the weak and degraded through his courage and determination. But none of these films has had a protagonist as charismatic as Power – a young man obsessed with drumming drumlessly (read steady gesticulation set to the rhythm of legendary heavy metal anthems), whose aim is to win the nationwide drumming championship, support striking miners in New Mexico and win the heart of a girl who went deaf at the age of three at a Status Quo concert. This brilliant comedy – reminiscent of the films of Wes Anderson in its fascination with bizarre twists on standard genre themes – will thrill you even if you are not a fan of 1970s hard-rock dinosaurs. But you mustn’t forget Power’s creed while you’re watching “I don’t need drums. I am drums!  About the director  Ari Gold received a Student Oscar in 2000 for his film Helicopter, an experimental short film in which he used authentic photography, scene reconstructions and animated sequences to tell of the tragic death of his mother. The Sundance Festival accepted Gold’s short student films for three consecutive years, and one of them – the sixty-second film Culture, which the filmmaker accompanied with a 10-point manifesto signed with the pseudonym Ari von Gold – elicited (particularly in Serbia) a wave of similar films of exactly one minute in length avowing “Dogma 99”. In addition to filmmaking, Ari Gold is also a dedicated musician – he sings in the bands The Honey Brothers and The Gold Brothers, he plays the ukulele, the piano and occasionally the drums. The film Adventures of Power is his first feature-length film.
  • 热度:70
电影 喜剧片
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  • 动作片
演员: 关智斌 吴浩康 蒋雅文
简介: “根据一群黑道人物的真实故事,改编成的江湖电影。一个强奸犯、三个杀人犯、一个爱滋病、二个吸毒者、一个自残的、十个精神病和更生人…,加上七个电影学院学生,用了810小时,参与幕前幕后制作的诚意电影。”  12年前的一个晚上,一辆大卡车因交通意外以高速撞入小豪家里,小豪的家在一瞬间消失了。小豪是唯一的生还者,可是孤独的伤痛,深深的刻在他心上,生存就好像是一种惩罚。 在成长的路上,小豪的性格变得十分乖癖暴戾。直到有一天,他遇到了一个改变他一生的人,这人叫自己做二等兵。 二等兵在市郊的围村里,收留一些被社会遗弃的人。而围村里的同工美婷对小豪的哮喘病照顾有加,发展了两人的感情。 可是围村里有一个叫阿宏的人,他年仅九岁就持刀伤人,他反叛、崇尚暴力。小豪的出现,对他来说已形成了一个两虎相争的局面! 更想不到的是,一个杀人放火,无所不为的帮会份子狼皮,为了躲避仇家亦住进了围村。 面对这种复杂不安的局势,围村里各人都作出了准备,因为他们曾经都是一些有桉底的惯犯。 血腥暴力的气氛,笼罩着整个围村,战争好像会一触即发。二等兵和美婷等,都为这个局面担心......
  • 热度:6
电影 动作片
  • 电影
  • 动作片
演员: Chartchai Hirotoshi Kitsuwon Kraibutr Ngamsan Ris) Sano Supakorn Winai 丹楚朋 安娜•瑞丝(Anna 扎露尼·素萨瓦 杰西达邦·福尔迪 索拉朋·切特里 阿南达·爱华灵咸 阿塔彭·提马郜
简介: 400年前,狼牙脩国度由于国王Rayabahadur Sah遭到刺杀而失陷。皇室成员别无选择,只能将皇冠授予长女Hijau公主(扎鲁尼•苏萨瓦饰演),让她成为狼牙脩皇后。  尽管她统治着这块领土,却始终面临着与海盗船长乌鸦(威奈•克莱布饰演)结盟的反叛军彭亨府(现马来西亚西部最大的州府)王子多年来的颠覆政权活动。乌鸦率领着自己的船员正在试图寻找由荷兰人Janis Bree和中国人Lim Kium共同发明创造的大炮,但是这支荷兰船队却在一次爆炸中连同大炮一起沉入海底。  Hijau皇后为了保卫并巩固自己的领土和势力范围,决定将自己最小的妹妹Ungu公主(安娜•瑞丝饰演)与Pahung王子(杰西达邦饰演)政治联姻。然而Pahung王子却深爱着皇室的Biru公主(杰克林•阿披他娜农饰演)。  与此同时,一个名叫Pari的男孩(阿南达•艾华灵汉饰演)在小渔村里诞生了。他的父亲正是被海盗船长乌鸦所杀。为了避难,Pari于7年后被叔叔Anjar带走。为了报仇雪恨,Pari拜师学艺。在贤人白光(索拉鹏•查特理饰演)的教导下,他学会了控制海洋的魔法,并掌握了如何与海洋生物交流沟通的方法。  为了能够从海底捞起大炮,曾经也是白光的学生如今成为海盗的乌鸦也在学习这种控制海洋的魔法。  Hijau皇后为了能够建造属于自己的大炮来保卫领土,也在寻找着大炮的发明人之一--中国人Lim Kium。她派出自己的两名妹妹去寻找此人,而身手不凡的海军指挥官Yalang(楚鹏•常普伦饰演)则保护她们的人身安全。  为了夺取沉在海底的大炮,Hijau皇后一帮人,反叛军彭亨府王子一伙、海盗乌鸦一伙,以及Pari都将背水一战。
  • 热度:78
电影 动作片
  • 电影
  • 动作片
演员: 伊凡威 尹扬明 林伟 钟淑慧 鬼塚 黄光亮 黄子扬
简介: 深圳罗湖关口,每日有数万旅客经此进入内地。这儿有一个落魄的香港人在等待机会,他是正东。不久,三名从香港来深圳寻欢的黑道古惑仔,甫一出关,即被正东截住,正东道出他的坎坷遭遇,希望对方可以借钱给他,江湖救急。其中一疏财仗义的给了他四佰元。正东拿了钱,交了房租,独自吃着饭,淌下了男儿泪…… 原来正东在江湖中曾有名气,与同门兄弟神经泰,均为大佬英哥的左右手。正东为人思想较传统,忠心重义气,却有份执着,从不沾手毒品。他在英哥身旁时,中港两地也甚吃得开,后来警方捣获一批摇头丸,予头直指英哥,英哥急着找人承担责任。正东为了英哥,返回内地暂避。起初,正东因为英哥的关系,受到不少款待。他以为这事很快便结束,便流连卡拉OK,泡北姑,挥霍如昔。   而正东香港的女朋友也带钱去接济他。可是,渐渐那些款待他的人舍他而去,他也联络不上英哥。终于,正东的钱全花光了,北姑与他绝交,他香港女朋友也道明以后不会再拿钱给他,还告诉他香港警方正在通缉他。正东开始焦急,可是仍联络不上英哥。是夜,因为喝醉了,遇上劫匪,抢去所有财物和证件,于是他开始深圳流落……正东每天都在关口等待相识的人,向他们借钱,今天他碰到同在狱中受刑的兄弟成武,成武出狱后已改过自身,在东莞表亲的厂中当厂长,成武见正东如此环境,便仗义相助,还留下名片。后来,正东知道神经泰来了深圳,便去找他。怎料泰竟然反面不留情地羞辱他,更指英哥不会再理他。正东无路可逃,唯有找成武帮忙。成武有事回港,答应代他查个清楚。   正东在厂中无意中发现成武表亲老板被一班流氓追数,那表亲有意潜逃。未几,成武致电说自从正东离开后,英哥再有佰多万毒品被警方截获,英哥把所有罪名推在他身上。此时正东呆然大受打击。成武回来后被流氓包围着追数,成武百词莫辩,这时,正东押着表亲老板出来,为成武解围。成武与正东二人身同感受,更认清正行与黑道根本没分别,只贵乎是否遇到真心真义的兄弟,成武决定与正东再闯天下。不过,正东还有一事要解决。英哥受到泰的唆摆,决定引正东出来,把他除去。成武义无反悔与正东同去。怎料泰的人马突然不出现,原来泰有心借正东除去英哥,坐享渔人之利。英哥不敌正东二人,将死一刻,正东念着兄弟之义,只伤了英哥,从此恩断义绝。泰欲把英哥、正东等人全部铲除,可惜最后被正东制伏。泰与英哥自相残杀,最后落入公安手中,而正东与成武早已置身事外,孑然而去。
  • 热度:18
电影 动作片
  • 电影
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演员: Davis DePaula Gamble Garrison Jeremy Ken Kristoffer McGowan Neto Pimenta Zach
简介: Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years. His first assignment as for the elite black ops squad is as Communications Officer for the micro ground assault team that enabled surgical aerial assaults of strategic targets in Iraq, priming allied forces for the what is now known as Operation Desert Storm. The honor of being part of the special forces unit is enriched by the fact that he is invited into the unit lead by the best, Master Chief Devon Mackefy (Ken Gamble).  The team, having just returned from one mission, is called into duty once again, because “Mac is the best”. Feeling the pull of the call, and given no option by the powers that be, our heroes go into the thick of it with the usual disadvantages - tired, short by one man and in need of gearing up in the weapons department; all with their invisibility being paramount.  The team is rounded out by Petty Officer Williams (Kristoffer Garrison), Petty Officer Sanchez (Neta De Paula) and Chief Petty Officer Roberts (Zach McGowan). The team’s only contact ii Iraqi is Jamal (Amol Shah), a Kurd who has lost his family to the war and now helps the U.S. in these isolated covert operations. Their sole mission mark aerial targets, avoid capture and stay alive for four days. But the enemy is in every direction. Tensions are high since Davis is untested in the field and Mac is distracted by a recent personal loss. All these complications threaten the success of the mission, as well as the team’s survival.
  • 热度:39
电影 动作片